Pollinator Resources

Did you know?

Ontario is home to nearly 400 species of native bees and native bees account for nearly 70% of pollination taking place in Ontario. There has been a sharp decline in pollinator populations in recent years due to (i) pesticide overexposure; (ii) habitat loss, including the loss of native plants; and (iii) climate change. This has resulted in a decrease in plant species, in turn impacting ecosystems and food security (Credit Valley Conservation).

How to attract Native Pollinators

For pollinators (and most wildlife), manicured lawns are a desert. Wealth and status are at the roots of lawn history. In 17th century England, only rich landowners had lawns, and before lawnmowers, only the wealthy could afford labour to weed and scythe their grass (David Suzuki Foundation).

Create a pollinator-friendly garden by following the tips provided below. For information on native plants for pollinators, check — Native Plants for Pollinators Booklet by Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). You could also attend fun, interesting, and free workshops offered year-round by Blooming Boulevards to learn more about how to support pollinators.